Welcome to PTA Elevation
Prepare for the NPTE - THE RIGHT WAY!
NPTE Checklist
Step by step instructions to show you how to sign up and properly prepare for the NPTE so you can make your next attempt, your last attempt!
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Learn how to DOMINATE the NPTE despite not knowing where to start, multiple failures on the exam, or lack of self confidence!
NEXT WEBINAR: January 26th, 2025 at 1PM EST
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Long commute to your clinical rotation? Learn NPTE content on the go with the PTA Elevation Podcast! 100+ episodes of NPTE content to maximize your study time even when you can't be at your desk!
Click the photo to listen in.
Need help getting started? Nervous about the test? Curious about how we can help? First call is FREE! Speak directly with Coach Briana and she will help guide you in the right direction.
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Last Minute Review Session
A 12 hour crash course over 2 days covering a wide range of NPTE topics that takes place about 2-3 weeks before the exam. This is offered quarterly and it is an interactive webinar to clarify various topics that will appear on the NPTE. There is a replay and you can play as many times as you'd like!
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Easy to follow guide that will take all of the guesswork and anxiety out of taking the first step towards passing the NPTE! Comes with a FREE strategy call with Coach Briana to ensure you're on the path to success!
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PTA Elevation Coaching Program
The PTA Elevation Coaching Program is a Prep Course that contains individualized and group guidance and accountability. You must apply for this program and complete a strategy call to ensure you are the right fit for this option. Only 10 spots available per time the exam is offered. This option is for students who need extra guidance and support to pass the NPTE. They will receive access to The 600+ System as well.
Click the photo to learn more.
The 600+ System
A self paced blueprint containing over 300+ videos to help students pass the NPTE with confidence and competence. There are also mini quizzes embedded within the course modules to help students apply information they've learned in the modules to test questions. Only 30 spots available each time the exam is offered.
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Learn how to finally figure out what's going wrong on your practice exams! This mini course plus practice exam will help you stop second guessing yourself and help you figure out where you are going wrong when answering questions, while also providing a Full Length (180 question) exam to help simulate exam day more effectively.
Scenario questions are included
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A neatly packaged system that will help you identify and conquer your NPTE weaknesses. These mini quizzes will cover common pathologies and topics that will show up on exam day. Coach Briana provides detailed video explanations that will help you identify what kinds of mistakes you are making and helps you truly understand the rationale behind each question!
Click the photo to learn more.
Kaylee Smith of Study with Smitty has graciously partnered with PTA Elevation to present her study guide! It's over 100+ pages of aesthetically pleasing NPTE content that can be purchased in physical and PDF form.
Click the photo to learn more!
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