Welcome to PTA Elevation



Time for full GUIDANCE and ACCOUNTABILITY to ensure your next attempt is 600+

Hi! We are PTA Elevation!

I Almost Had to Drop Out of College Because of Academics...

My name is Briana Drapp, SPT, PTA, CSCS.

I am a licensed physical therapist assistant who realized this exam SUCKS! And the path to passing should NOT be as complicated as it is.

In my sophomore year of undergrad, I was nearly dismissed from my university due to poor academic performance (2.3 GPA with Fs in MULTIPLE classes). I had no idea how to study for tests, blamed external circumstances for my shortcomings, and was not putting in the work I needed to in order to be successful.

So I took accountability and identified my deficits. I turned my GPA around for the remainder of my undergrad studies and graduated at the top of my PTA and PT classes with a 4.0 GPA and received a 768 on the NPTE-PTA.

On this page, I'm going to tell you how I did it.

But first, we need to talk about you.

If you're reading this page, I gotta assume you're trying to pass the NPTE-PTA on your next attempt right? And you're probably scared sh*tless right?

(As someone who is about to take the NPTE for PTs since I went back to school, I'm right there with you.)

Here are 3 reasons why you might have anxiety surrounding the NPTE:


You have bad test anxiety or just plain suck at standardized tests. You made it through school but now the NPTE is getting in the way of your dream career.

You are overwhelmed and have no idea where to start or what to study! You're getting bad advice from people who don't learn the same way you do or people who have never taken the test. Your professors are freaking you out and now you feel hopeless.

OR, you've already failed before, and there's no way in HELL you're about to let that happen again!

Hi! We are PTA Elevation!

I Almost Had to Drop Out of College Because of Academics...

My name is Briana Drapp, SPT, PTA, CSCS.

I am a licensed physical therapist assistant who realized this exam SUCKS! And the path to passing should NOT be as complicated as it is.

The PTA Elevation Coaching Program

Pass the NPTE-PTA on Your Next Attempt With This PROVEN System Regardless if You Have Failed Before or Have No Idea Where to Start!

This is the exact resource students who are on their last attempt EVER have used to pass the NPTE-PTA despite the statistics on the FSBPT website saying that you'll never be able to pass!

The Ultimate Guide to Passing the NPTAE.

  • The PTA Elevation Coaching Program is a lifetime access “study with you” coaching program that encompasses every aspect of studying for the NPTE-PTA by giving you the coaching, tools, support, and accountability they need to dominate the NPTE and ultimately begin practicing as a licensed physical therapist assistant.

  • The PTA Elevation Coaching Program is a proven system and coaching program that helps PTA students just like YOU gain the clarity, confident and control needed to pass the NPTE-PTA without missing 3-6 months worth of a physical therapist assistant salary every exam cycle you do not pass ($15,000 - $30,000).

  • The PTA Elevation Coaching Program has achieved success for students who have failed the NPTE multiple times, as well as helped students pass on their first attempt by training PTA students to think differently so that they can ultimately fulfill their dreams of becoming Physical Therapist Assistants despite fears, struggling with test taking anxiety, and uncertainty of the future!

  • We have helped hundreds of students pass the NPTE since our conception in 2021.


What Makes The PTA Elevation Coaching Program Different?

The PTA Elevation Coaching Program combines coaching, resources, community, accountability, calculated planning, strategic study plan creation, NPTE Prep videos, study strategies, mentorship and 100s of NPTE-Style Questions with detailed video explanations. All in one simple and easy to use system.


How will The PTA Elevation Coaching Program make me more successful?

The PTA Elevation Coaching Program is designed to win the fight against the biggest obstacles to NPTE-PTA success. Burnout, feeling alone, anxiety, procrastination, lack of accountability, lack of NPTAE knowledge, excessive general information, and a poor articulation of their knowledge & ideas.


How does PTA Elevation Coaching Program help decrease my risk of failure?

Going through your obstacles and fixing your weak points vs. ignoring them up is by far the best way to make your next attempt, your last attempt.

The accountability of applying The PTA Elevation Coaching Program strategies to overcome your biggest obstacles is by far the most successful way the PTA Elevation Coaching Program will help you achieve your dream of practicing as a PTA. A plan is nothing without action.

The PTA Elevation Coaching Program:

  • Offers personalized step-by-step guidance through the entire process from day 1 to your first day of work as a physical therapist assistant.

  • Is based on the proven PTA Elevation Method is based on giving applicants CLARITY, CONFIDENCE, & CONTROL over their studying so they pass the NPTE-PTA and begin treating patients as a PTA.

  • Has helped multiple students pass on their 6TH ATTEMPT on the exam.

  • Includes live bi-weekly group coaching to successfully navigate your obstacles.

  • A personal coach to help you build your failure proof plan.

  • Gives you direct access to Coach Briana Drapp to help clarify any questions you have regarding the NPTAE.

  • Ability to earn one on one calls with coach Briana for extra tutoring

With the Coaching Program, you gain 24/7 access to:

  • Our online platform for life.

  • Every question about the NPTE-PTA process answered for you.

  • 100+ hours of pre - recorded videos applying with you to access at your convenience. (The 600+ System)

  • Office hours: Once a week we have office hours for 90 minutes where you can come and ask questions LIVE.

  • Training videos: A collection of videos within our community to help you stay motivated and focused as you study for the exam.

  • Our private PTA Elevation community where you are held accountable by coach Briana and fellow students. Connect with students and alumni who struggled with the same obstacles you previously struggled with.

  • 2 Full Length Practice Exams: to successfully learn how to take and excel at taking a practice exam.

  • The Mini Quizzes with detailed video explanations course.

  • The Last Minute Review Session study session that occurs about 2-3 weeks before the exam.

  • How to Make a Study Plan Workshop Access.

  • Direct access to Coach Briana to help guide you and clarify questions to take all of the stress and anxiety out of preparing for the NPTE

  • 1:1 accountability check ins with Coach Briana to keep you on track to pass.

  • Biweekly live group coaching calls to help with active recall and breaking down exam questions.

  • 1:1 calls with Coach Briana for tutoring sessions up to 2-3x per month

We know flexibility is important to you when it comes to passing the NPTE-PTA.

That why The PTA Elevation Coaching Program has everything is recorded if you cannot attend coaching calls live.

Briana, the community, and our online platform is always here to compliment your NPTE journey, and not complicate it.

Success Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the PTA Elevation Coaching Program?

A "study with you" program that offers 1:1 individualized guidance and accountability to help keep you on track to pass, while also providing you will all of the resources necessary to decrease your anxiety surrounding your next attempt and help you become a licensed PTA!

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What is your success rate?

85% of our students pass on their first attempt after beginning to work with us. We have an all time pass rate of 95%.

For students who utilize every aspect of this course and maximize their participation in the course, the all time pass rate is 100%

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What tools and resources does the PTA Elevation Coaching Program have to help me pass the NPTAE?

See the above content please!

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How long will I have access to the PTA Elevation Coaching Program online lessons and bonus tools?

You will only be permitted one year of coaching between attempts. This means you cannot push your exam back more than one calendar year from your primary intended date. You have access to the online lessons and tools until you pass of course! However direct access to Coach Briana for coaching is only valid for one year between attempts. This is to deter students from habitually pushing their exam date back due to fear or anxiety. You can't pass the exam if you don't attempt it!

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Is this a monthly subscription product?

No, there is a set fee that can either be paid all at once, or in payment plans. These will be discussed on the application call after we have determined that the program is appropriate for you. You may be more appropriate for our other prep course, The 600+ System, and more information can be found here: https://ptaelevation.com/the-600-plus-system

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I have other responsibilities, Will I have enough time to benefit from The PTA Elevation Coaching Program?

This program is meant to be a tool to use to your advantage and not a burden. All video lessons are pre recorded. All live meetings will be available for replay. 24/7 1 on 1 coaching is a tool for you.The NPTE-PTA does not control you. You control the exam. We're here to help you take control and pass the exam.

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Are there practice exams?

Yes, there are currently 2 practice exams available with the coaching program, along with hundreds of exam questions in the form of our mini quizzes embedded within the course!

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Does The PTA Elevation Coaching Program have other instructors besides Briana?

Nope, just Bri!

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Is There A Refund Policy?

We offer a 7 day money back guarantee however, if you have progressed through more than 8% of the course we cannot offer you money back.

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I'm not taking the exam until later, Is now the right time to join?

Yes. just like anything else in life, early intervention is key. The earlier we can help, the less stressful the studying process becomes. We do recommend that you join this course at least 8 weeks before your exam to achieve the full benefit of the course, especially if you have failed multiple attempts.

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What is the investment?

These will be discussed on the application call after we have determined that the program is appropriate for you. You may be more appropriate for our other prep course, The 600+ System, and more information can be found here: https://ptaelevation.com/the-600-plus-system

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How do I join?

Click the apply button located below! This is an application only based program!

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I'm a PT Student, will this help me?

This program will certainly help you however, because Briana is a PTA and still a physical therapy student, she cannot teach for the NPTE for Physical Therapist. We suggest checking out Kyle Rice and The PT Hustle, as he approaches the exam in a similar way as PTA Elevation but specifically for PTs!

Our free resources will for sure continue to help you though!

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