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PTA Elevation Success Stories

Students Reveal How Our Programs Helped Them Pass the NPTE-PTA and Become Physical Therapist Assistants.

Dylan Estrella, PTA

Lisa Hohan, PTA

Kyle Angustia, PTA

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PTA Inspire Series

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Eagan Jackson

"I was working at UPS for about 5 years. I started out as a package handler loading almost 1,000 packages a day for about 2 years, transitioned over to the management side for another 3. I wasn’t happy and it was noticeable, especially to my wife. One day she told me “if your not happy at work, just quit and do something you love.” I knew I liked working out and I knew I loved interacting with people but I didn’t want to become a personal trainer. My wife suggested PT. I knew nothing about it! Did some research looked around and stumbled upon a program at a school near where I lived. Now mind you I was a HS dropout making it through life with a fake diploma. Kinda needed something legit to enroll into a program like a PTA one. Ended up getting my GED in my early 30’s enrolled into that program and took a leap of faith with my wife. I graduated in 2020. Unfortunately I did not succeed in passing my boards the first time, or second or third!!! I couldn’t bare to see another big red X when opening that fsbpt website, and I didn’t! With the help of Briana and PTA elevation and the support of my family and friends. I was finally able to pass that exam, get my license and have the career I’ve been dreaming of to support my family!"

- Outpatient orthopedic/home health PTA


Erica Romberger

Hey y’all! I’m finally Erica Romberger, PTA all thanks to Bri and her awesome program she has built! I started my PTA journey with Bri in July of 2019. I had graduated from The Pennsylvania State University with my Bachelors in Kinesiology; after multiple applications to DPT programs denied, I came across a PTA program literally 10 minutes from my house! Central Penn college truly changed my life. Allowing me to still work towards my goal of helping patients. School was rough, I’m not going to lie but I finished even with us being shut out of a classroom due to COVID. Having neurology online was brutallllll and I mean it; I had a melt down everyday it felt like. Fast forward, we were allowed to get into the clinics for clinical and I felt revived! My dream of being a PTA was still within reach! Going into my boards the first time, I’ll be honest, I barely studied… I DO NOT RECOMMEND!! I was too cocky and just wanted to have a life since I had graduated and it was not the good choice. Second time, I changed my approach but didn’t truly know how to properly retain the information without the hands on part and having someone to go through things with. Again, another fail sadly… I was defeated so I took a break, got a full time job started a 401k and just took a mental break. I ran into my one professor at a grocery store and she recommended I reach out to Briana for her program if I truly wanted to do it a third try. So I got in touch and BOOM! Bri got me back into it with a proper study plan, proper techniques and thennnnnn I got pregnant. Being pregnant and trying to study; do not recommend LOL! Pregnancy brain is so real. So I still tried anyways and then I realized I had to go before the board to present a study plan so I didn’t get approved for a third attempt but I didn’t stop. I kept pushing. I had my son Nov 2nd enjoyed my maternity leave and at the end of my leave, I went before the board (extremely stressful) and presented my study plan. They approved me!! Third attempt was now within my reach and in my control of passing. I was nervous, anxious, stressed, overwhelmed with being a new mother and just wanting it sooooo bad! Bri, is a miracle worker yall. In touch with me constantly reassuring me, pushing me to do this for myself and my son and here I am! THAT GREEN CIRCLE, PASSED!! Being a mother is HARD and being a mother in school is even HARDER! If I learned anything, DO NOT GIVE UP! Y’all it is soooo worth it! You are worth it, you can do it and you will! Bri also helped me get into that mindset. My son will know one day how much I love him, but also how hard I pushed myself to make him proud of what I do. I am extremely thankful for this program and I cannot wait to start my career in the healthcare industry! All my mamas out there who think they can’t, YOU CAN! If not for you, then just look at that little one looking up at you and do it for them! You got this, seriously!

- Erica Romberger, PTA

Outpatient Orthopedic PTA


Julia Chase

"When I first thought about a life long career I wanted to be a math teacher. I soon realized that wasn’t the career choice for me because it was missing a team aspect that I wanted. I found the PTA program at my local technical college, and realized it had all the components I wanted in a career! After completing job shadowing and clinicals I loved this career choice and graduated from college as a PTA in May, 2022. After the easy part was behind me I had to pass the NPTE exam. I unfortunately failed my exam the first time around and realized I NEEDED to make a change and became part of the PTA elevation coaching program. After being in the program I learned ALOT. I unfortunately failed a second time taking the NPTE. I didn’t let that stop me, I took a little time off and jumped back in, for a third time. Third time was the charm for me, I PASSED. Thanks to Bri! It wasn’t easy passing this exam, I had two jobs majority of the time I was studying for the exam. During my last attempt at taking the exam I worked a full time time and part time job and still persevered to get the passing score. If I can pass the NPTE, you can! “

-Julia Chase PTA!


Bryonna Williams

"My Journey of success began when I Graduated from Cheyney University, May of 2018 with a Bachelors in Biology. After graduation, I began to think of the career field I wanted to enter into and I knew a career path in Physical Therapy was what I desired most. In July of 2020, I enrolled into PIT and got accepted into there Physical Therapist Assistant Program. I successfully completed and graduated from the program in October of 2021. In January of 2022, I took my first attempt at the NPTE Exam, and unfortunately I did not pass. I was not immediately discouraged, because I had an idea of what to expect for the next time I took the test. I proceeded to take the test an additional two times and still did not pass. I became frustrated, I began to think that maybe I did not enter into the right field and I was making a mistake. That’s when I came across Briana on Facebook and watched a few of her free videos. After watching her videos, I Immediately knew her coaching program was for me. Her videos are filled with lots of informative information such as tips and techniques on how to memorize different diagnoses. Briana’s coaching program helped me build up my confidence so I can get back on track to pass the NPTE. As of January 2023 , I am now a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant and I have to thank Briana for her amazing coaching program. Thank you PTA Elevation, LLC for providing me with the support and for adding to my success." Bryonna Williams , PTA.


Kyle Angustia

“For as long as I could remember there were two things in life I wanted to be, first one was to be a part of the United States army and second was to be a part of the field Physical therapy both of which I have been fortunate enough to accomplish. I did not expect that those two aspirations would happen so close to each other. After the successful completion of my military service, I was able to pursue my PTA degree enrolling in Casa Loma College. I believe that the mindset I gained from the army has been a key factor in successfully obtaining my PTA degree and passing my board exam in April 2022 with the help of PTA Elevation after previously not passing in January 2022.”

Outpatient Orthopedic PTA


Dylan Estrella

"I fell into physical therapy kinda randomly. My original plan was to go into an exercise science program and eventually become a PE teacher. However, when Covid hit I had a lot of down time to figure out what I actually wanted to do and I realized working with kids wasn’t something I’d enjoy. I found myself watching a lot of “Day in the life” videos on YouTube and came across PTA. I decided to look into programs and apply. I did not pass the exam on my first attempt however, I did pass on my second attempt and am now a licensed PTA!"

  • Outpatient Orthopedic PTA


Melissa Chase

“I began my career as a teacher, and then started working as a personal trainer and PT Tech in an outpatient clinic. I enjoyed working with patients, seeing them come into our office in pain and leave in such a better place. I wanted to be the person responsible for helping them feel that way. In 2020, the gym in which I was managing, and training closed due to Covid, and I had an opportunity to go back to school to finally become a PTA. I sold my house in Georgia and moved back to Pennsylvania and last October I graduated from Central Penn College, passed my board exam in January 2022 on my first attempt with help from PTA Elevation, and am currently working with Pivot Physical Therapy in Mechanicsburg, PA.”

Outpatient Orthopedic PTA

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