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🚨How to Make an Effective Study Plan to Maximize Your Chances of Passing the NPTE-PTA!

This is the exact plan we've used to help 1,000+ students pass the NPTE-PTA so that they can finally begin practicing as a licensed physical therapist assistant.

Just Imagine...

The day you open the FSBPT website and see this

Imagine calling your support system and screaming at the top of your lungs...


The Relief! The Joy! The excitement! That all of your hard work finally paid off!

This study plan guide is the #1 way to make that dream a reality on your next attempt!

✅ So you can finally become a licensed physical therapist assistant!

This Study Plan Guide Will Set You Up for Success Despite Your Fears of...

Failing the boards or failing again
✅ Not knowing where to start!

✅ Having low practice test scores

Imposter syndrome

Bad advice from other students/professors

✅ Not knowing how to study for the boards

✅ Not knowing when to take practice tests

✅ Not knowing how to retain information

Not having direction on what to do next.

Customer Testimonials

This Is For You If...

You want to learn how to increase your chances of passing the NPTE.

✅ You want to pass but you don't know where to start.

✅ You want to crush your next practice test and go into the exam with confidence

✅ You are driven and want to do this right the first time!

✅ You have been feeling stuck with your studying but want to get this exam over with the next time it is offered.

✅ You're tired of wasting time and money on this stupid exam and ready to practice as a PTA!

Customer Testimonials

"I was working at UPS for about 5 years. I started out as a package handler loading almost 1,000 packages a day for about 2 years, transitioned over to the management side for another 3. I wasn’t happy and it was noticeable, especially to my wife. One day she told me “if your not happy at work, just quit and do something you love.” I knew I liked working out and I knew I loved interacting with people but I didn’t want to become a personal trainer. My wife suggested PT. I knew nothing about it! Did some research looked around and stumbled upon a program at a school near where I lived. Now mind you I was a HS dropout making it through life with a fake diploma. Kinda needed something legit to enroll into a program like a PTA one. Ended up getting my GED in my early 30’s enrolled into that program and took a leap of faith with my wife. I graduated in 2020. Unfortunately I did not succeed in passing my boards the first time, or second or third!!! I couldn’t bare to see another big red X when opening that fsbpt website, and I didn’t! With the help of Briana and PTA elevation and the support of my family and friends. I was finally able to pass that exam, get my license and have the career I’ve been dreaming of to support my family!" - Eagan Jackson, PTA

Everything You Get With The How To Make a Study Plan Course!

The Guide We Use to Teach Our Private Coaching Students How to Pass the NPTE! ($197 Value)

✔️ How to pass the NPTE

✔️ When to schedule your practice exams

✔️ What to study each day

✔️ How to study off your practice exams

✔️ How to prepare leading up to test day

✔️ How to plan out your study day

✔️ Important deadlines

✔️ How to study each subject

✔️ How much to study each day

✔️ How long you should study

✔️ What practice exams to take

✔️ How to study your weak areas

✔️ 📞 1 on 1, NPTE-PTA Strategy Session($150 Value)

✔️2 Free Additional Cheat Sheets ($47 Value)

  • These will teach you about modalities and SCIs

Total Value: $491.00



The value of this offer is so completely crazy that we believe nobody else is brave enough to come close to it. Nobody else will give you this many tools to help you pass the NPTE then add all the bonuses on top. If we’re wrong and you find a more value-packed NPTE, let us know and we’ll give you your money back.

Get The How to Make a Study Plan Guide Today!

For Only $19.97


What will not passing the boards do to your life?

❌ Will you miss out on 3-6 months of PTA Salary? ($15,000-$30,000)

❌ Will you feel like a failure?

❌ Will you continue to be lost about what you're going to do in life with a degree you can't use?

❌ Will your family pressure you continuously every time the exam comes around?

❌ Will you have to settle for a less fulfilling career?

❌ Will not passing the NPTE cause you to put off starting a family for another 3-6 months?

Do you really want that outcome?

If not, click the button below to get the life you deserve.

Customer Testimonials

"When I first thought about a life long career I wanted to be a math teacher. I soon realized that wasn’t the career choice for me because it was missing a team aspect that I wanted. I found the PTA program at my local technical college, and realized it had all the components I wanted in a career! After completing job shadowing and clinicals I loved this career choice and graduated from college as a PTA in May, 2022. After the easy part was behind me I had to pass the NPTE exam. I unfortunately failed my exam the first time around and realized I NEEDED to make a change and became part of the PTA elevation coaching program. After being in the program I learned ALOT. I unfortunately failed a second time taking the NPTE. I didn’t let that stop me, I took a little time off and jumped back in, for a third time. Third time was the charm for me, I PASSED. Thanks to Bri! It wasn’t easy passing this exam, I had two jobs majority of the time I was studying for the exam. During my last attempt at taking the exam I worked a full time time and part time job and still persevered to get the passing score. If I can pass the NPTE, you can! “

-Julia Chase PTA!

Customer Testimonials

"My Journey of success began when I Graduated from Cheyney University, May of 2018 with a Bachelors in Biology. After graduation, I began to think of the career field I wanted to enter into and I knew a career path in Physical Therapy was what I desired most. In July of 2020, I enrolled into PIT and got accepted into there Physical Therapist Assistant Program. I successfully completed and graduated from the program in October of 2021. In January of 2022, I took my first attempt at the NPTE Exam, and unfortunately I did not pass. I was not immediately discouraged, because I had an idea of what to expect for the next time I took the test. I proceeded to take the test an additional two times and still did not pass. I became frustrated, I began to think that maybe I did not enter into the right field and I was making a mistake. That’s when I came across Briana on Facebook and watched a few of her free videos. After watching her videos, I Immediately knew her coaching program was for me. Her videos are filled with lots of informative information such as tips and techniques on how to memorize different diagnoses. Briana’s coaching program helped me build up my confidence so I can get back on track to pass the NPTE. As of January 2023 , I am now a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant and I have to thank Briana for her amazing coaching program. Thank you PTA Elevation, LLC for providing me with the support and for adding to my success."

- Bryonna Williams , PTA.

The How to Make a Study Plan Guide is the best way to failure proof your next NPTE attempt so you can have the life and career of your dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the How to Make a Study Plan Guide Cost?

This How to Make a Study Plan Guide is a 1 time payment of $19.97 for lifetime access.


Click here to get the How to Make a Study Plan Guide!

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What is inside the How to Make a Study Plan Guide?

A step by step, done with you guide how to make an effective study plan THAT WORKS!

Including but not limited to...

✔️ How to pass the NPTE

✔️ When to schedule your practice exams

✔️ What to study each day

✔️ How to study off your practice exams

✔️ How to prepare leading up to test day

✔️ How to plan out your study day

✔️ Important deadlines

✔️ How to study each subject

✔️ How much to study each day

✔️ How long you should study

✔️ What practice exams to take

✔️ How to study your weak areas

And more!

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What if the How to Make a Study Plan Guide DOESN'T help me after I buy it?

There is Zero Risk: You will have a 48 hour 💰 money back guarantee, which means that if you do not find value in this product, all you have to do is email us at and let us know that you would like to be transitioned out & have a full refund!

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Will the How to Make a Study Plan Guide help me if I have failed before?

Yes! This is the exact plan we use to help students in our coaching program pass after multiple failed attempts on the NPTE!

Click here to get The How to Make a Study Plan Guide which includes how to pass after multiple attempts!

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Will this help me if I am taking the exam later?

Yes, The How to Make a Study Plan Guide will help you whether you're taking the exam in 3 months or 3 years. Most students don't realize that your studying does not start when you register for the exam, the studying for the exam begins when you take Anatomy and Physiology 1 your first semester of PTA school. Therefore sooner you get the information to help you, the better your chances are to pass.

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Are you ready to get ✨ONE STEP CLOSER✨ to passing the NTPE-PTA?

Briana Drapp, SPT, PTA, CSCS Graduated from Central Pennsylvania College with an Associate's of Applied Science in Physical Therapist Assistant Studies. Briana additionally received her Bachelor's of Arts from The University of Pittsburgh in 2018 in Hispanic Language and Literature (Spanish) with a minor in Portuguese and Luso-Brazilian Culture. Briana is currently pursuing her Doctorate of Physical Therapy with an expected graduation of December 2024. Briana currently works PRN in outpatient orthopedics with a focus on foot and ankle rehabilitation, as well as neurological rehabilitation and workman's compensation. Briana received her Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Certification in October 2021 and additionally is a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. Briana is dedicated to lifelong learning and the concept that "There is always more to learn and room to grow."

Briana has helped over 1,000 PTAs pass the NPTE-PTA over the past 2 years with PTA Elevation, LLC

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